Chip’s Top-rated NCAA Money Game winner!
(NCAAB) Bruins (UCLA) vs. Volunteers (TENN),
Point Spread: 5.50 | -118.00 Bruins (UCLA) (Away)
Result: Loss
UCLA vs Tennessee 9:40 ET
Bruins (+) over Volunteers - The style of these clubs is so similar they both might think that they are playing against a mirror. Tennessee the No. 2 seed allows just 63.0 points per game while UCLA surrenders 65.2 a 2-point difference but the Bruins have the slight offensive advantage of two spots in the rankings 147 to 149. Rick Barnes Volunteers coach has been here before and always seems to fall short and this team has short comings that will sooner or later spell their Waterloo. The points are a bargain here. Take UCLA!