(NHL) Avalanche (COL) vs. Maple Leafs (TOR),
Money Line: 108.00 Maple Leafs (TOR) (Home)
Result: Win
10 OUT OF 10 CONSENSUS on the Leafs.

Both teams have been great, but we feel that Colorado will be the team to have a letdown here.

The Leafs just broke a two-game slide with a 6-2 win here over Calgary. They play with revenge as well following a 7-4 loss at Colorado two weeks ago.

With a tough game at the Rangers tomorrow night, this contest here in Toronto takes on added-importance for the home side.

Colorado is off back-to-back wins, but has two look-ahead games at Ottawa tomorrow night, and then Montreal.

All things considered, we feel this is unbelievable "line value" on the home side.

This play is a great value play. The play is Toronto.

The Insiders Room DISCORD community features a plethora of different handicappers from around the World. The core group of players that started this group are ten individual cappers. When at least six of these players align on a pick, that's when they release it to the public.

Good luck, TIR